This texture pack will work with any custom mods / hacks of Ocarina of Time 3D as long as they don’t add new textures or change old ones (in that case, conflicting textures will be overwritten by one another but it will still work). There are no plans to port it to the N64 version. This texture pack is for Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D only. The pack is scaled to 8x the default resolution, this means that ( if the internal resolution is increased in Citra ) you may be able to view some textures at a staggering 3200x1920 resolution! A lower resolution version (4x) is also available for weaker computers. If you want smooth text, enable the xBRZ freescale filter in the Citra Graphics Settings and set it to “3” or higher (if your computer can handle it!). In-game text has not been upscaled yet because of the strange way Ocarina of Time handles text printing. These are still very early days and there is much work left to do. You will of course be fully credited for any work you submit.

I am completely up for suggestions, changes and submissions. This means that I try my hardest to make new textures look like higher resolution versions of the original textures, and not like brand new textures or out-of-place mashups. It is very important to me that the texture pack stays faithful to the original vision. In many cases, filtered textures look worse than the original textures so that’s why I’ve decided to leave many of them untouched until a later point. Some filtered textures have been modified or changed entirely to look better as well. The textures that I’ve upscaled have been so using waifu2x-caffe, letsenhance.io using these instructions by Bighead. Other textures have been left untouched until I’ve worked on them.

Out of these textures a few hundred have been completely re-textured or upscaled to look substantially better than the original. There are ~6000 unique textures in the game ( I have tried to dump every single one, however I may have missed a few ). Some general info regarding this texture pack which you should read before you download it Psst! I also have a HD texture pack for Zelda Majora’s Mask 3D, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Skyward Sword, Wii Sports, Luigi’s Mansion, Super Mario 3D Land, Pikmin 1 & 2 and Super Mario Sunshine!

Hello! This is my HD texture pack page for Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D!